General assemblies
The most important event for the CIC in a calendar year.
The General Assembly is the most important event for the CIC in a calendar year. It is hosted annually, with each General Assembly taking place in a different country.
They are responsible for carrying out various tasks related to the ongoing work and functions of the CIC. In addition, a wildlife conference is organized in conjunction with each General Assembly. Every year, a new theme will be explored at the conference, and various speakers will be invited to discuss the prevailing and trending topics relevant to conservation, wildlife management, sustainable use, and IPLCs (indigenous peoples and local communities).
The General Assembly is responsible for carrying out the following tasks:
- Approve new members
- Review the reports of the President, Vice-Presidents and Treasurer, as well as the reports and recommendations of the Divisions and Working Groups
- Decide on long-term strategy
- Approve the balance sheet
- Give discharge to all officers
- Amend the present budget (if necessary)
- Approve the budget
- Adopt and amend the Statutes
- Elect the President, Vice-Presidents, Treasurer and Auditors
- Elect the Presidents of the Divisions and Working Groups
- Decide to deviate from statutory term limits of office of elected officers on proposal of the Executive Committee
- Relieve CIC elected officers of their post upon proposal of the Executive Committee
- Decide on the appeals foreseen in the Statutes
General Assemblies also serve as a way to enhance constructive relationships between CIC members and attendees. Unique events, excursions and social functions are organized for General Assembly participants every year, giving an opportunity for our members and partners to meet in person to celebrate their passion for wildlife.