(22 April, 2023. Paris, France) Today, Government and civil society members of the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC) returned to Paris – where the CIC was founded back in 1930 – to elect a new Executive Committee.
The new Executive Committee can be seen in full here.
“As was foreseen, I would like to thank the outgoing Executive Council members for their dedication in leading the organisation into the 21st century, which included the adoption of the new CIC Statutes last year,” said Dr. Philipp Harmer, President of the CIC.
“This provides a solid foundation for the new leadership team to develop an ambitious CIC 2030 Programme as a clear response to the recently adopted 2030 Global Biodiversity Framework and in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals”.
With close to 400 participants from over 40 countries, the 69th CIC General Assembly was among the first global conferences to discuss the implementation of the 2030 Global Biodiversity Framework adopted last December by the 196 State Members to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
The two-day General Assembly also adopted several resolutions, such as calling for the establishment of a CIC Indigenous Peoples Working Group, the development of a CIC 2030 Programme, and support for the implementation of the UN One Health Approach.
The CIC is among the oldest international environmental and sustainable use organisations, today hosting 1,800 State and civil society Members within its network operating in 82 countries.
During its annual General Assemblies, the CIC Members vote on conservation, environmental, and sustainable use issues related to hunting and every three years it elects its Executive Committee.